Saturday, November 15, 2008

Winston's Fall

One of Phillip's friends wanted to help Winston off the trampoline...but of course he couldn't hold my heavy baby and Winston fell on his face...Ouch.
But Winston still loves the trampoline.

Einer von Phillips Freunden wollte Winston vom Trampolin runter helfen...aber natürlich konnte er mein schweres Baby nicht halten, und Winston fiel auf sein Gesicht...Aua.
Aber Winston liebt das Trampolin trotzdem.


Claire said...

Poor wee face. He looks just like you! Hope he's ok!

Claire said...

I just read my comment and it didn't read well hahahaha.
I'll try again..

He looks like you.

His wee face looks sore from falling.

Hope he's ok.

I didn't mean 'poor wee soul cos he looks like you and i hope he's ok with having to grow up looking like you....'


Hallenbergers said...

Poor Winston.... =( What a tuff little feller!!