Unlike many of my friends I have absolutely no good reason for not blogging for soooo long. So without any further comment I will give you a blog entry...
Im Unterschied zu vielen von meinen Freunden habe ich überhaupt keinen guten Grund dafür, dass ich schon soooo lange nicht mehr geschrieben habe. Also ohne weiteren Kommentar gebe ich euch einen blog Eintrag...
One woman, well, girl really, talks about her experinces with life and her 4 pets: a goofball, a monkey, a mouse and a pooh bear. She tells all, holds nothing back...if she can convince her lazy self to actually start typing instead of reading everybody else's blogs...
Funny, funny, funny!!!! Maybe one of these days you will find the extra time you need.
WHAT IN THE WORLD? Who are the first two pics of? Looks like the kiddos are having a lot of fun :)
Thanks for the good laugh!
I just picked 2 random pictures displaying the reactions that I knew all my friends would have seeing a new post on my blog. =)
good one maike, you're funny!
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